Ramon Christopher- Facilitator, MBA, PMP

Ramon brings 25 years of marketing and business development experience to bear. Each skill topic covered in his programs feature a “Morning After Skill”, that make an immediate and noticeable impact when applied after conclusion of the training.

Ramon brings a wealth of cross-system knowledge and is able to “connect the dots” across industries, pulling out relevant practices and innovations and apply solutions to a seemingly unrelated field.

Since 2010, he has been assisting private and public institutions with marketing, business development, and innovation, and assisting individuals with personal and professional development.

Ramon received an MBA in Marketing and Business Development from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. He was a member of the Global Marketing Development Program at Colgate Palmolive were he spent time in Marketing, Sales, and Global Business Development, and served as the Marketing Manager for Hills Pet Nutrition in Russia.

Ramon was introduced to Synectics while working in Product Management in 2008.  He has utilized the power of analogies and metaphors in all of his subsequent endeavors, and enjoys sharing Synectics for both personal and professional growth. 

Ramon has worked or consulted in non profit, wind energy, member management, job development, financial services, marketing, consumer packaged goods, insurance, holistic wellness, community development, start up, and food service industries.